I really like my new ball and ball chair frame. I did get the black cover, which makes it fit into my workplace. I work in the front office of a busy advertising and multi-channel marketing firm. The 55" ball that fits the frame only came in purple, so the black cover is essential. I am working my way up. I am up to about 2 to 3 hours a day sitting on it. It does work your glutes and leg muscles for sure. I can especially feel it when I go from a sitting to standing position... It kind of feels lik that burn you get after doing squats, so I think it must be doing a lot of good. It helps me if I bounce a little before getting up from sitting on it to a standing position. I notice that it is nice to have this as an option to sit on during the day. I sit between 9 and 10 hours straight. I feel less in pain at the end of the day from sitting. I actually rotate from this ball chair to a good office chair with a Tush Cush, which makes it so I can sit all day. (Sitting was causing numbness and tingling pain, so both options really help! I got permission ahead of time from the owners of my company before I purchased this chair. It does not negatively affect the office job I do- it is just a new way of sitting to work your core, while working! I highly recommend this- everyone that sits all day should these!